Safe Driving in Inclement Weather
Correctly navigating a four-way stop is crucial for preventing accidents and ensuring smooth traffic flow, especially during inclement weather conditions such as heavy rain or high winds. The Maui Police Department reminds drivers to follow these key rules when approaching a four-way stop to enhance road safety and prevent accidents:
First to Stop = First to Go – The first vehicle to come to a complete stop has the right to proceed first.
Tie Goes to the Right – If two vehicles arrive at the same time, the driver on the right has the right of way.
Straight Before Turns – When two vehicles are directly across from each other, and one is turning left, the vehicle going straight has the right of way, while the left-turning vehicle must yield.
Pedestrians Always Have the Right of Way – Drivers must yield to pedestrians in or approaching a crosswalk.
Use Turn Signals – Indicate your intended direction to prevent confusion and ensure safe movement through the intersection.
In areas with officers directing traffic, follow their instructions.
In addition, MPD reminds drivers to take extra precautions when driving in inclement weather:
Allow for Extra Travel Time – Plan ahead, adjusting for possible delays.
Avoid Distractions – Stay focused and avoid using mobile devices while driving.
Follow the Speed Limit – Adhering to posted speed limits improves reaction time and control.
Leave Extra Room Between Vehicles – Maintain a safe following distance to allow for sudden stops.
Wear Your Seatbelt – Ensure all occupants are properly restrained at all times.
MPD urges all motorists to be cautious, patient, and mindful and asks for your assistance in keeping our roads safe for everyone.